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# Products
20500 416-83-234-41-011101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 34POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20501 801-83-037-10-173101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 37POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20502 323-87-160-41-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 60POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20503 801-83-030-65-410101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 30POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20504 803-83-030-65-410101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 30POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20505 801-83-029-66-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 29POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20506 310-83-145-41-105101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 45POS 0.1 GOLD SMD Datasheet
20507 310-83-145-41-205101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 45P 0.1 GOLD SMD R/A Datasheet
20508 853-83-034-30-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 34POS 0.05 GOLD SMD Datasheet
20509 853-83-034-30-002101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 34POS 0.05 GOLD SMD Datasheet
20510 803-83-048-30-002101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 48POS 0.1 GOLD SMD Datasheet
20511 310-83-164-01-666101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 64POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20512 853-83-032-20-002101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 32P 0.05 GOLD PCB RA Datasheet
20513 851-87-038-40-252101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 38P 0.05 GOLD SMD RA Datasheet
20514 833-83-028-10-457101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 28POS 0.079 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20515 801-83-046-20-002101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 46P 0.1 GOLD PCB R/A Datasheet
20516 803-87-056-10-005101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 56POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20517 316-87-153-41-008101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 53POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20518 316-83-161-41-006101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 61POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20519 316-87-153-41-009101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 53POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20520 416-87-264-41-012101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 64POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20521 316-87-164-41-012101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 64POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20522 803-87-060-10-004101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 60POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20523 805-83-048-10-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 48POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20524 853-87-036-20-002101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 36P 0.05 GOLD PCB RA Datasheet
20525 801-83-044-10-132101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 44POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20526 833-83-044-10-273101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 44POS 0.079 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20527 316-83-145-41-007101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 45POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20528 801-83-031-53-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 31POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20529 801-83-012-10-216101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 12POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20530 803-83-042-10-004101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 42POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20531 801-83-042-10-004101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 42POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20532 416-83-258-41-006101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 58POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20533 316-83-158-41-006101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 58POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20534 316-83-153-41-003101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 53POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20535 803-83-036-10-269101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 36POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20536 851-83-033-20-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 33P 0.05 GOLD PCB RA Datasheet
20537 851-83-022-30-136101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 22POS 0.05 GOLD SMD Datasheet
20538 833-87-044-20-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SCKT 44P 0.079 GOLD PCB RA Datasheet
20539 805-87-084-10-012101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 84POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20540 861-87-032-40-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SCKT 32P 0.039 GOLD SMD RA Datasheet
20541 316-87-125-41-013101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 25POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20542 801-83-030-65-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 30POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20543 803-83-030-65-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 30POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20544 851-83-035-40-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 35P 0.05 GOLD SMD RA Datasheet
20545 803-83-042-10-132101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 42POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20546 861-87-035-10-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 35POS 0.039 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20547 831-83-048-10-230101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 48POS 0.079 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20548 326-83-130-41-002101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 30POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20549 426-83-230-41-002101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 30POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20550 831-83-029-64-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 29POS 0.079 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20551 310-83-161-01-666101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 61POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20552 853-87-038-20-002101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 38P 0.05 GOLD PCB RA Datasheet
20553 801-83-043-10-268101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 43POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20554 833-87-036-10-287101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 36POS 0.079 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20555 316-83-136-41-011101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 36POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20556 416-83-236-41-011101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 36POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20557 316-87-156-41-008101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 56POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20558 410-87-393-01-640101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 93POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20559 833-87-042-30-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 42POS 0.079 GOLD SMD Datasheet
20560 316-83-132-41-004101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 32POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20561 416-83-232-41-004101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 32POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20562 803-83-038-10-269101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 38POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20563 801-83-042-40-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 42P 0.1 GOLD SMD R/A Datasheet
20564 326-83-134-41-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 34POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20565 426-83-234-41-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 34POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20566 410-87-264-41-105101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 64POS 0.1 GOLD SMD Datasheet
20567 323-83-148-41-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 48POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20568 423-83-248-41-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 48POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20569 831-87-034-64-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 34POS 0.079 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20570 851-83-033-30-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 33POS 0.05 GOLD SMD Datasheet
20571 861-83-029-40-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SCKT 29P 0.039 GOLD SMD RA Datasheet
20572 316-83-148-41-012101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 48POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20573 416-83-248-41-012101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 48POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20574 831-83-042-20-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SCKT 42P 0.079 GOLD PCB RA Datasheet
20575 831-83-042-40-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SCKT 42P 0.079 GOLD SMD RA Datasheet
20576 803-83-012-10-216101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 12POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20577 316-83-156-41-003101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 56POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20578 801-87-037-66-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 37POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20579 316-87-146-41-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 46POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20580 416-87-246-41-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 46POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20581 416-87-270-41-003101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 70POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20582 851-87-042-40-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 42P 0.05 GOLD SMD RA Datasheet
20583 853-83-036-10-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 36POS 0.05 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20584 853-83-036-10-002101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 36POS 0.05 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20585 833-83-030-10-453101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 30POS 0.079 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20586 833-83-042-10-273101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 42POS 0.079 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20587 316-87-126-41-013101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 26POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20588 416-87-226-41-013101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 26POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20589 499-87-258-10-003101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 58P 0.1 GOLD PCB R/A Datasheet
20590 805-83-042-10-132101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 42POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20591 801-87-039-66-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 39POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20592 833-87-038-10-287101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 38POS 0.079 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20593 833-87-040-30-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 40POS 0.079 GOLD SMD Datasheet
20594 322-87-161-41-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 61POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20595 861-87-037-10-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 37POS 0.039 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20596 803-83-044-10-003101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 44POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet
20597 803-87-068-30-002101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 68POS 0.1 GOLD SMD Datasheet
20598 801-83-040-40-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 40P 0.1 GOLD SMD R/A Datasheet
20599 801-83-044-10-143101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET 44POS 0.1 GOLD PCB Datasheet