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# Products
29500 546-87-121-13-061136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 121POS GOLD Datasheet
29501 510-83-201-15-041101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 201POS GOLD Datasheet
29502 550-80-132-13-041101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29503 550-80-132-14-071101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29504 550-80-133-14-071101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29505 514-87-145-15-081117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 145POS GOLD Datasheet
29506 510-83-207-17-081101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 207POS GOLD Datasheet
29507 510-83-207-17-082101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 207POS GOLD Datasheet
29508 510-83-208-17-081101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 208POS GOLD Datasheet
29509 550-10-100-15-001101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29510 510-83-232-17-061101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 232POS GOLD Datasheet
29511 510-83-209-17-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 209POS GOLD Datasheet
29512 510-83-209-17-062101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 209POS GOLD Datasheet
29513 510-83-209-17-063101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 209POS GOLD Datasheet
29514 510-83-209-17-081101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 209POS GOLD Datasheet
29515 510-83-233-18-071101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 233POS GOLD Datasheet
29516 550-80-121-13-061101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29517 614-87-132-14-071112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 132POS GOLD Datasheet
29518 614-87-132-13-041112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 132POS GOLD Datasheet
29519 510-83-210-17-061101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 210POS GOLD Datasheet
29520 614-87-133-14-071112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 133POS GOLD Datasheet
29521 510-83-236-17-061101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 236POS GOLD Datasheet
29522 510-83-236-17-062101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 236POS GOLD Datasheet
29523 510-83-237-17-061101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 237POS GOLD Datasheet
29524 614-83-100-10-000112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 100POS GOLD Datasheet
29525 614-83-100-13-062112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 100POS GOLD Datasheet
29526 514-83-120-13-061117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 120POS GOLD Datasheet
29527 510-83-238-19-101101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 238POS GOLD Datasheet
29528 614-87-121-13-061112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 121POS GOLD Datasheet
29529 546-87-144-13-041135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 144POS GOLD Datasheet
29530 546-87-144-13-041136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 144POS GOLD Datasheet
29531 550-80-124-13-041101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29532 614-83-101-13-061112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 101POS GOLD Datasheet
29533 510-83-240-16-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 240POS GOLD Datasheet
29534 510-83-240-17-061101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 240POS GOLD Datasheet
29535 546-87-145-15-081135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 145POS GOLD Datasheet
29536 546-87-145-15-081136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 145POS GOLD Datasheet
29537 510-83-241-18-071101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 241POS GOLD Datasheet
29538 510-83-241-18-072101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 241POS GOLD Datasheet
29539 510-83-241-19-101101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 241POS GOLD Datasheet
29540 510-87-361-19-000101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 361POS GOLD Datasheet
29541 510-83-243-19-081101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 243POS GOLD Datasheet
29542 614-87-124-13-041112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 124POS GOLD Datasheet
29543 546-87-148-15-063135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 148POS GOLD Datasheet
29544 546-87-148-15-063136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 148POS GOLD Datasheet
29545 546-87-133-14-002135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 133POS GOLD Datasheet
29546 546-87-133-14-002136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 133POS GOLD Datasheet
29547 510-83-221-18-091101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 221POS GOLD Datasheet
29548 546-87-149-15-063135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 149POS GOLD Datasheet
29549 546-87-149-15-063136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 149POS GOLD Datasheet
29550 510-83-223-18-002101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 223POS GOLD Datasheet
29551 510-83-223-18-091101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 223POS GOLD Datasheet
29552 510-83-223-18-092101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 223POS GOLD Datasheet
29553 510-83-223-18-093101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 223POS GOLD Datasheet
29554 510-83-223-18-094101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 223POS GOLD Datasheet
29555 550-80-144-12-000101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29556 550-80-144-15-081101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29557 514-87-175-16-071117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 175POS GOLD Datasheet
29558 510-83-224-18-091101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 224POS GOLD Datasheet
29559 510-83-225-18-019101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29560 510-83-225-18-091101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29561 510-83-225-17-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29562 510-83-225-17-061101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29563 510-83-225-15-000101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29564 550-80-145-15-001101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29565 514-83-127-16-091117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 127POS GOLD Datasheet
29566 546-83-121-13-061135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 121POS GOLD Datasheet
29567 546-83-121-13-061136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 121POS GOLD Datasheet
29568 517-83-183-14-091111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 183POS GOLD Datasheet
29569 614-87-144-15-081112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 144POS GOLD Datasheet
29570 517-87-265-12-000111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 265POS GOLD Datasheet
29571 514-83-144-12-000117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 144POS GOLD Datasheet
29572 510-83-256-16-000101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 256POS GOLD Datasheet
29573 614-87-145-15-081112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 145POS GOLD Datasheet
29574 510-83-257-20-111101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 257POS GOLD Datasheet
29575 510-83-257-19-081101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 257POS GOLD Datasheet
29576 550-80-149-15-063101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29577 514-83-145-15-081117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 145POS GOLD Datasheet
29578 614-83-121-13-061112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 121POS GOLD Datasheet
29579 510-83-261-18-071101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 261POS GOLD Datasheet
29580 510-83-262-20-091101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 262POS GOLD Datasheet
29581 614-87-149-15-063112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 149POS GOLD Datasheet
29582 550-10-114-13-062101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29583 614-83-124-13-041112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 124POS GOLD Datasheet
29584 510-87-441-21-000101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 441POS GOLD Datasheet
29585 517-87-280-18-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 280POS GOLD Datasheet
29586 510-83-273-21-121101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 273POS GOLD Datasheet
29587 546-87-182-14-001135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 182POS GOLD Datasheet
29588 546-87-182-14-001136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 182POS GOLD Datasheet
29589 546-83-145-15-081135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 145POS GOLD Datasheet
29590 546-83-145-15-081136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 145POS GOLD Datasheet
29591 546-83-133-14-002135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 133POS GOLD Datasheet
29592 546-83-133-14-002136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 133POS GOLD Datasheet
29593 546-87-168-17-101135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 168POS GOLD Datasheet
29594 546-87-168-17-101136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 168POS GOLD Datasheet
29595 510-83-279-19-081101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 279POS GOLD Datasheet
29596 550-10-132-14-071101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29597 550-10-132-13-041101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29598 510-83-280-19-081101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 280POS GOLD Datasheet
29599 546-87-169-17-101135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 169POS GOLD Datasheet