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# Products
29600 546-87-169-17-101136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 169POS GOLD Datasheet
29601 550-10-121-13-061101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29602 614-83-144-15-081112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 144POS GOLD Datasheet
29603 510-83-281-19-081101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 281POS GOLD Datasheet
29604 614-83-132-14-071112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 132POS GOLD Datasheet
29605 614-83-132-13-041112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 132POS GOLD Datasheet
29606 517-87-320-19-131111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 320POS GOLD Datasheet
29607 550-10-133-14-071101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29608 546-83-148-15-063135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 148POS GOLD Datasheet
29609 546-83-148-15-063136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 148POS GOLD Datasheet
29610 517-87-293-18-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 293POS GOLD Datasheet
29611 510-83-309-21-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 309POS GOLD Datasheet
29612 517-87-321-17-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 321POS GOLD Datasheet
29613 517-87-321-19-121111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 321POS GOLD Datasheet
29614 614-83-145-15-081112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 145POS GOLD Datasheet
29615 614-87-175-16-072112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 175POS GOLD Datasheet
29616 614-83-133-14-071112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 133POS GOLD Datasheet
29617 546-83-149-15-063135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 149POS GOLD Datasheet
29618 546-83-149-15-063136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 149POS GOLD Datasheet
29619 514-83-175-16-071117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 175POS GOLD Datasheet
29620 517-87-296-19-131111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 296POS GOLD Datasheet
29621 517-87-325-18-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 325POS GOLD Datasheet
29622 550-10-124-13-041101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29623 517-87-299-16-091111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 299POS GOLD Datasheet
29624 510-83-289-17-000101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 289POS GOLD Datasheet
29625 614-87-179-18-111112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 179POS GOLD Datasheet
29626 614-87-179-18-112112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 179POS GOLD Datasheet
29627 614-87-179-15-041112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 179POS GOLD Datasheet
29628 514-87-223-18-091117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 223POS GOLD Datasheet
29629 614-83-149-15-063112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 149POS GOLD Datasheet
29630 546-87-192-14-001135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 192POS GOLD Datasheet
29631 546-87-192-14-001136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 192POS GOLD Datasheet
29632 550-80-169-17-101101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29633 614-87-181-15-051112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 181POS GOLD Datasheet
29634 517-87-304-14-051111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 304POS GOLD Datasheet
29635 517-87-305-18-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 305POS GOLD Datasheet
29636 546-87-178-18-111135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 178POS GOLD Datasheet
29637 546-87-178-18-111136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 178POS GOLD Datasheet
29638 510-83-324-18-000101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 324POS GOLD Datasheet
29639 546-87-179-18-111135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 179POS GOLD Datasheet
29640 546-87-179-18-111136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 179POS GOLD Datasheet
29641 614-87-168-17-101112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 168POS GOLD Datasheet
29642 510-83-299-20-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 299POS GOLD Datasheet
29643 510-83-299-20-091101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 299POS GOLD Datasheet
29644 546-87-181-15-051135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 181POS GOLD Datasheet
29645 546-87-181-15-051136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 181POS GOLD Datasheet
29646 546-83-144-13-041135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 144POS GOLD Datasheet
29647 546-83-144-13-041136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 144POS GOLD Datasheet
29648 510-83-300-21-001101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 300POS GOLD Datasheet
29649 550-80-191-18-091101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29650 550-10-144-12-000101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29651 550-10-144-15-081101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29652 550-10-145-15-001101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29653 550-10-149-15-063101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29654 517-87-365-14-000111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 365POS GOLD Datasheet
29655 517-87-370-19-121111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 370POS GOLD Datasheet
29656 517-87-372-19-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 372POS GOLD Datasheet
29657 517-87-361-18-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 361POS GOLD Datasheet
29658 546-83-168-17-101135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 168POS GOLD Datasheet
29659 546-83-168-17-101136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 168POS GOLD Datasheet
29660 517-87-364-17-091111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 364POS GOLD Datasheet
29661 514-87-257-20-111117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 257POS GOLD Datasheet
29662 517-87-365-17-091111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 365POS GOLD Datasheet
29663 517-83-265-12-000111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 265POS GOLD Datasheet
29664 546-83-169-17-101135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 169POS GOLD Datasheet
29665 546-83-169-17-101136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 169POS GOLD Datasheet
29666 517-87-369-18-091111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 369POS GOLD Datasheet
29667 546-87-183-14-091147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 183POS GOLD Datasheet
29668 614-83-175-16-072112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 175POS GOLD Datasheet
29669 614-83-168-17-101112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 168POS GOLD Datasheet
29670 510-83-361-19-000101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 361POS GOLD Datasheet
29671 546-83-181-15-051135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 181POS GOLD Datasheet
29672 546-83-181-15-051136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 181POS GOLD Datasheet
29673 546-83-182-14-001135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 182POS GOLD Datasheet
29674 546-83-182-14-001136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 182POS GOLD Datasheet
29675 614-83-179-15-041112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 179POS GOLD Datasheet
29676 546-87-223-18-091135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 223POS GOLD Datasheet
29677 546-87-223-18-091136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 223POS GOLD Datasheet
29678 614-83-181-15-051112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 181POS GOLD Datasheet
29679 546-83-178-18-111135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 178POS GOLD Datasheet
29680 546-83-178-18-111136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 178POS GOLD Datasheet
29681 546-87-224-18-091135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 224POS GOLD Datasheet
29682 546-87-224-18-091136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 224POS GOLD Datasheet
29683 546-87-225-18-091135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29684 546-87-225-18-091136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29685 546-87-225-17-003135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29686 546-87-225-17-003136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29687 546-83-179-18-111135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 179POS GOLD Datasheet
29688 546-83-179-18-111136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 179POS GOLD Datasheet
29689 517-87-391-18-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 391POS GOLD Datasheet
29690 614-83-179-18-111112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 179POS GOLD Datasheet
29691 614-83-179-18-112112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 179POS GOLD Datasheet
29692 546-83-192-14-001135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 192POS GOLD Datasheet
29693 546-83-192-14-001136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 192POS GOLD Datasheet
29694 517-87-401-19-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 401POS GOLD Datasheet
29695 517-83-280-18-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 280POS GOLD Datasheet
29696 517-87-403-19-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 403POS GOLD Datasheet
29697 550-80-225-18-091101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29698 550-10-169-17-101101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29699 514-87-321-19-121154 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 321POS GOLD Datasheet