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# Products
29700 517-87-411-20-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 411POS GOLD Datasheet
29701 514-83-223-18-091117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 223POS GOLD Datasheet
29702 514-87-279-19-081117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 279POS GOLD Datasheet
29703 614-87-225-17-061112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29704 514-87-281-19-081117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 281POS GOLD Datasheet
29705 517-87-419-19-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 419POS GOLD Datasheet
29706 517-83-304-14-051111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 304POS GOLD Datasheet
29707 517-87-420-19-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 420POS GOLD Datasheet
29708 517-83-293-18-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 293POS GOLD Datasheet
29709 517-83-296-19-131111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 296POS GOLD Datasheet
29710 517-87-428-19-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 428POS GOLD Datasheet
29711 517-87-429-19-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 429POS GOLD Datasheet
29712 517-83-299-16-091111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 299POS GOLD Datasheet
29713 550-80-241-18-071101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29714 614-87-238-19-101112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 238POS GOLD Datasheet
29715 517-83-305-18-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 305POS GOLD Datasheet
29716 514-87-299-20-001117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 299POS GOLD Datasheet
29717 517-87-447-20-121111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 447POS GOLD Datasheet
29718 510-83-441-21-000101 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 441POS GOLD Datasheet
29719 550-10-191-18-091101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29720 546-83-183-14-091147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 183POS GOLD Datasheet
29721 517-83-320-19-131111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 320POS GOLD Datasheet
29722 517-83-321-19-121111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 321POS GOLD Datasheet
29723 517-83-321-17-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 321POS GOLD Datasheet
29724 517-87-463-19-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 463POS GOLD Datasheet
29725 517-83-325-18-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 325POS GOLD Datasheet
29726 514-83-257-20-111117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 257POS GOLD Datasheet
29727 517-87-475-21-121111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 475POS GOLD Datasheet
29728 546-83-223-18-091135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 223POS GOLD Datasheet
29729 546-83-223-18-091136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 223POS GOLD Datasheet
29730 546-83-224-18-091135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 224POS GOLD Datasheet
29731 546-83-224-18-091136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 224POS GOLD Datasheet
29732 546-83-225-18-091135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29733 546-83-225-18-091136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29734 546-83-225-17-003135 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29735 546-83-225-17-003136 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29736 614-83-225-17-061112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 225POS GOLD Datasheet
29737 517-87-503-22-131111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 503POS GOLD Datasheet
29738 517-83-365-14-000111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 365POS GOLD Datasheet
29739 614-87-279-19-081112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 279POS GOLD Datasheet
29740 514-83-279-19-081117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 279POS GOLD Datasheet
29741 614-87-281-19-001112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 281POS GOLD Datasheet
29742 514-83-281-19-081117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 281POS GOLD Datasheet
29743 517-83-361-18-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 361POS GOLD Datasheet
29744 517-83-364-17-091111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 364POS GOLD Datasheet
29745 517-83-365-17-091111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 365POS GOLD Datasheet
29746 614-83-238-19-101112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 238POS GOLD Datasheet
29747 517-87-528-21-121111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 528POS GOLD Datasheet
29748 517-87-529-21-121111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 529POS GOLD Datasheet
29749 517-83-369-18-091111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 369POS GOLD Datasheet
29750 517-83-370-19-121111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 370POS GOLD Datasheet
29751 514-87-419-19-001154 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 419POS GOLD Datasheet
29752 517-83-372-19-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 372POS GOLD Datasheet
29753 517-87-539-20-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 539POS GOLD Datasheet
29754 550-10-225-18-091101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29755 517-87-545-17-000111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 545POS GOLD Datasheet
29756 614-87-299-20-001112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 299POS GOLD Datasheet
29757 514-83-299-20-001117 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 299POS GOLD Datasheet
29758 514-83-321-19-121154 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 321POS GOLD Datasheet
29759 517-87-559-22-131111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 559POS GOLD Datasheet
29760 517-83-391-18-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 391POS GOLD Datasheet
29761 517-87-565-21-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 565POS GOLD Datasheet
29762 517-83-401-19-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 401POS GOLD Datasheet
29763 517-83-403-19-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 403POS GOLD Datasheet
29764 550-10-241-18-071101 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29765 517-83-411-20-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 411POS GOLD Datasheet
29766 517-87-599-54-131111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 599POS GOLD Datasheet
29767 517-83-419-19-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 419POS GOLD Datasheet
29768 517-83-420-19-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 420POS GOLD Datasheet
29769 517-83-428-19-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 428POS GOLD Datasheet
29770 517-83-429-19-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 429POS GOLD Datasheet
29771 614-83-279-19-081112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 279POS GOLD Datasheet
29772 614-83-281-19-001112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 281POS GOLD Datasheet
29773 546-87-296-19-131147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 296POS GOLD Datasheet
29774 546-87-304-14-051147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 304POS GOLD Datasheet
29775 517-83-447-20-121111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 447POS GOLD Datasheet
29776 614-83-299-20-001112 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 299POS GOLD Datasheet
29777 517-83-463-19-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 463POS GOLD Datasheet
29778 546-87-320-19-131147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 320POS GOLD Datasheet
29779 546-87-321-17-101147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 321POS GOLD Datasheet
29780 546-87-321-19-121147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 321POS GOLD Datasheet
29781 517-83-475-21-121111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 475POS GOLD Datasheet
29782 546-87-325-18-111147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 325POS GOLD Datasheet
29783 517-87-685-19-000111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 685POS GOLD Datasheet
29784 550-80-296-19-131135 Preci-Dip PGA SOLDER TAIL Datasheet
29785 517-83-503-22-131111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 503POS GOLD Datasheet
29786 514-83-419-19-001154 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 419POS GOLD Datasheet
29787 550-10-192M16-001166 Preci-Dip BGA PIN ADAPTER 1.27MM SMD Datasheet
29788 514-87-192M16-001148 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET BGA 192POS GOLD Datasheet
29789 517-83-545-17-000111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 545POS GOLD Datasheet
29790 517-83-528-21-121111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 528POS GOLD Datasheet
29791 517-83-529-21-121111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 529POS GOLD Datasheet
29792 546-83-304-14-051147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 304POS GOLD Datasheet
29793 546-87-364-17-091147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 364POS GOLD Datasheet
29794 546-87-365-14-000147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 365POS GOLD Datasheet
29795 546-87-365-17-091147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 365POS GOLD Datasheet
29796 517-83-559-22-131111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 559POS GOLD Datasheet
29797 517-83-539-20-101111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 539POS GOLD Datasheet
29798 546-83-296-19-131147 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 296POS GOLD Datasheet
29799 517-83-565-21-111111 Preci-Dip CONN SOCKET PGA 565POS GOLD Datasheet