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# Products
1 XKB2 A2T WWC Digi İnternational Dev kit xbee s2c ieee 802 15 4
2 XKB2 Z7T WZM Digi İnternational Dev kit digi xbee s2c zigbee mesh
3 101 1327 Digi İnternational 10 100 ethernet dev kit
4 CC WMX8MN KIT Digi İnternational Dev kit 8m nano quad cortex a53
5 XKC M5T W Digi İnternational Xbee cellular 3g development kit
6 XK8X DMS 0 Digi İnternational Xbee sx 868mhz development kit
7 XK8 DMS 0 Digi İnternational Kit xbee 868lp rf digi mesh
8 XK3 Z8S WZM Digi İnternational Xbee 3 zigbee mesh kit worldwide
9 CC WMX51 LX EA Digi İnternational Wi 1 w linux jumpstart kit
10 XKA2C Z7T W Digi İnternational Cloud wireless prototype development
11 XKB2 Z7T WTZM Digi İnternational Dev kit digi xbee s2d zigbee mesh
12 DC ME 01T C Digi İnternational Module me 8m sdram 2m flash
13 DC ME 9210 NET Digi İnternational Me 9210 net os 7 jumpstart kit
14 DC ME 9210 LX Digi İnternational Me 9210 with linux jumpstart kit
15 XBP24 DKS Digi İnternational Development kit w xbee pro module
16 DC ME NET Digi İnternational Jump start me for net os kit
17 CC WMX51 CE6 Digi İnternational Wi 1 wince 6 0 jumpstart kit
18 CC 9M 2443 LX Digi İnternational 9m 2443 with linux jumpstart kit
19 XB24 PDK Digi İnternational Dev kit w xbee xbee pro module
20 XA A14 CE1P Digi İnternational Usb adaptor xbee pro 802 15 4
21 XB24 DKS Digi İnternational Development kit with xbee module
22 XA A14 CS2P Digi İnternational Rs232 adaptor xbee pro 802 15
23 X2 A11 W W Digi İnternational Module xbee to wifi antenna
24 CC W9M 2443 LX Digi İnternational Wi 9m 2443 w linux jumpstart kit
25 CC 9M 2443 CE6 Digi İnternational 9m 2443 wince 6 0 jumpstart kit
26 CC W9M 2443 CE6 Digi İnternational Wi 9m 2443 wince 6 0 jumpstart
27 XK3 C N1 UT E Digi İnternational Xbee sx 868mhz development kit
28 CC WMX8 KIT Digi İnternational Sbc dev kit arm cortex a35 m4f
29 CC WMX6UL KIT Digi İnternational Sbc dev kit arm cortex a7 mpu
30 XB2B WFUT 001 Digi İnternational Mod xbee 2 4ghz wifi u fl conn
31 XB2B WFRS 001 Digi İnternational Mod xbee 2 4ghz smt wifi rf pad
32 XB8 DPPS 001 Digi İnternational Mod xbee 868lp pcb ant smt
33 XB24CZ7PIT 004 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 102dbm
34 XB24CZ7SIT 004 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 102dbm
35 XB24CZ7WIT 004 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 102dbm
36 XB24CAPIT 001 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 102dbm
37 XB3 24Z8RM J Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz rf pad ant
38 XB3 24Z8ST J Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz sma ant
39 XB3 24Z8CM J Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz chip ant
40 XB3 24DMUM J Digi İnternational Xbee 3 2 4 ghz dm u fl ant mmt
41 XB3 24Z8CM Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz chip ant
42 XB3 24Z8UM Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz u fl ant
43 XB24CAUIT 001 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 102dbm
44 XB3 24Z8UM J Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz u fl ant
45 XB3 24Z8RS J Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz rf pad ant
46 XB3 24ARM J Digi İnternational Xbee3 2 4 ghz 802 15 4 rf pad
47 XB24CZ7UIS 004 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 102dbm
48 XB3 24ARM Digi İnternational Xbee 3 pro 2 4 ghz 802 15 4 rf
49 XB2B WFWT 001 Digi İnternational Mod xbee 2 4ghz wifi wire ant
50 XB2B WFST 001 Digi İnternational Mod xbee 2 4ghz wifi rpsma conn
51 XB8 DMUS 002 Digi İnternational Mod mesh smt xbee 868lp u fl conn
52 XBP24CAUIS 001 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 101dbm
53 XB3 24Z8PT Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz pcb ant
54 XB3 24Z8UT Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz u fl ant
55 XB3 24Z8UT J Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz u fl ant
56 XB3 24Z8PT J Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz pcb ant
57 DC ME Y402 C Digi İnternational Ethernet mod 4mb flash 8mb ram
58 XB8 DMRS 002 Digi İnternational Mod mesh smt xbee 868lp rf pad
59 XB8 DPUS 001 Digi İnternational Mod xbee 868lp u fl conn smt
60 XB24CAWIT 001 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 102dbm
61 XB3 24Z8ST Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz sma ant
62 XB8X DMUS 001 Digi İnternational Rf module 863 870 mhz 106dbm u
63 XB2B WFPT 001 Digi İnternational Mod xbee 2 4ghz wifi pcb antenna
64 XB24CZ7PIS 004 Digi İnternational Zigbee mod xbee zb smt pcb ant
65 XB24CAUIS 001 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 102dbm
66 XBP24CZ7PIT 004 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 101dbm
67 DC ME Y402 LX Digi İnternational Ethernet mod 4mb flash 8mb ram
68 20 101 1320 Digi İnternational Module device server rcm6750
69 XB3 24Z8US J Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz u fl ant
70 XB24CZ7UIT 004 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 102dbm
71 XB2B WFPS 001 Digi İnternational Mod xbee 2 4ghz smt wifi pcb ant
72 XB8X DMRS 001 Digi İnternational Rf module 863 870 mhz 106dbm rf
73 XB3 24DMCM Digi İnternational Xbee 3 pro 2 4 ghz dm chip ant
74 XB3 24AUM Digi İnternational Xbee3 pro 2 4 ghz 802 15 4 u fl
75 XB3 24DMCM J Digi İnternational Xbee 3 2 4 ghz dm chip ant mmt
76 XB3 24Z8PS J Digi İnternational Zigbee module 2 4 ghz pcb ant
77 XB2B WFUS 001 Digi İnternational Mod xbee 2 4ghz smt wifi u fl
78 XB3 24DMRM J Digi İnternational Xbee 3 2 4 ghz dm rf pad ant mmt
79 XB8 DPRS 001 Digi İnternational Rf pad antenna 10kbps hcs08
80 XB8 DMUSB002 Digi İnternational Rf module 863 870 mhz 101dbm u
81 20 101 1318 Digi İnternational Module device server rcm6700
82 XBP24 AUI 001 Digi İnternational Mod xbee pro 802 15 4 u fl conn
83 DC ME 01T S Digi İnternational Module serial to enet 8mb sdram
84 XBP24 AWI 001 Digi İnternational Module xbee pro 802 15 4 wire
85 XB24 AWI 001 Digi İnternational Rf module txrx xbee wire ant
86 XBP08 DK Digi İnternational Xbee pro txrx 868mhz dev kit
87 XBP24BZ7SIT 004J Digi İnternational Zigbee mod xbee pro s2b rpsma
88 XBP24BZ7WIT 004J Digi İnternational Zigbee mod xbee pro s2b wire ant
89 XBP08 DPSIT 024 Digi İnternational Zigbee module xbee pro rpsma conn
90 20 101 1321 Digi İnternational Module device server rcm6760
91 XB24 Z7WIT 004 Digi İnternational Zigbee module xbee zb wire ant
92 XB24 API 001 Digi İnternational Module xbee 802 15 4 pcb antenna
93 XBP24CZ7SIT 004 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 101dbm
94 XBP24BZ7SITB003J Digi İnternational Zigbee mod xbee pro prog rpsma
95 XB24 AUI 001 Digi İnternational Rf module txrx xbee u fl conn
96 XBP24 Z7UIT 004 Digi İnternational Zigbee mod xbee pro zb u fl conn
97 DC WME 01T S Digi İnternational Wifi mod wi me 802 11b antenna
98 XBP24BZ7WITB003J Digi İnternational Zigbee mod xbee pro prog wire
99 XBP24CZ7UIT 004 Digi İnternational Rf transceiver module 2 4ghz 101dbm
100 XBP24BZ7PITB003J Digi İnternational Zigbee mod xbee pro prog pcb ant