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# Products
200 CCS-LDL2-74X30SW Omron Automation and Safety G2 SOFT WH BAR LIGHT 74MMX30MM
201 CCSHSL58BLD300PCL Omron Automation and Safety SPOT LIGHT HI BLUE DIAM 56MM
202 CCS-LDL-TP-83X75 Omron Automation and Safety SURFACE MOUNT BACKLIGHT
203 3Z4S-LT-MEBL-CR7050 Omron Automation and Safety BACKLIGHT RED 94MM X 71MM
204 FLV-DR9000R Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING RED 90MM 7W
205 FLV-DR9030R Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING RED 90MM 6.6W
206 FLV-DR9215R Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING RED 92MM 5.4W
207 FLV-CL60R Omron Automation and Safety COAX LGT RED 104MM X 58MM 5.7W
208 FLV-DL7260B Omron Automation and Safety RING LOW ANGLE BLUE 72MM 5.7W
209 FLV-DL7260W Omron Automation and Safety RING LOW ANGLE WHITE 72MM 5.7W
210 FLV-FB130130W Omron Automation and Safety BACKLGHT COAX WHT 130X130MM 5.5W
211 FLV-FQ48R Omron Automation and Safety SQUARE DIFFUSED RED 48X48MM 1.2W
212 FL-BR13120W Omron Automation and Safety BAR LIGHT WHITE 131.4MM X 20MM Datasheet
213 CCSA-QBR-144028-66 Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT BAR LIGHT 144X28MM
214 CCSA-QCO-052050-66 Omron Automation and Safety ON AXIS-52X 50MM ELA RED
215 CCSA-QRL-090050-66 Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING-90MM RED
216 CCS-HSL-58RD-D300PCL Omron Automation and Safety RED LED HIGH POWER SPOT LIGHT
217 3Z4S-LT-MLRL-CR48 Omron Automation and Safety LOW ANGLE RING LIGHT RED 74MM Datasheet
218 CCS-HPR-100SW Omron Automation and Safety WHITE HIGH POWER RINGLIGHT - 1
219 CCS-LDL-TP-51X51-SW Omron Automation and Safety SURFACE MOUNT BACKLIGHT
220 CCS-LDL-82X15SW Omron Automation and Safety WHITE LED ARRAY
221 FLV-BR21222R Omron Automation and Safety BAR LIGHT RED 212MM X 22MM 5W
222 3Z4S-LT-MDRL-CR16 Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING LED RED 48MM Datasheet
223 FLV-BR11222IR Omron Automation and Safety BAR LGT INFRARED 112 X 22MM 1.8W
224 FLV-CL40B Omron Automation and Safety COAX LIGHT BLUE 74MM X 40MM 3.9W
225 FLV-CL40W Omron Automation and Safety COAX LGT WHITE 74MM X 40MM 3.9W
226 CCS-LDR2-50BL Omron Automation and Safety RING LIGHT
227 FLV-BR14030B Omron Automation and Safety BAR LIGHT BLUE 140MM X 30MM 6.1W
228 FLV-BR14030W Omron Automation and Safety BAR LGT WHITE 140MM X 30MM 6.1W
229 FLV-BR21230R Omron Automation and Safety BAR LIGHT RED 212MM X 30MM 7W
230 CCS-LDR2-50SW Omron Automation and Safety LOW ANGLE RING LIGHT
231 CCSLFL100SW2 Omron Automation and Safety 100X80MM WHT EDGELIT BACKLIGHT
232 CCS-QBR-144016-47 Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT BAR LIGHT BLUE 144X16MM
233 FLV-DL12060R Omron Automation and Safety RING LOW ANGLE RED 120MM 10.5W
234 FLV-FQ48W Omron Automation and Safety SQUARE DIFFUSED WHT 48MMX48MM 2W
235 3Z4S-LT-MDBL-CR70 Omron Automation and Safety BACKLIGHT RED 100MM X 72MM Datasheet
236 3Z4S-LT-MBRL-CB13015 Omron Automation and Safety BAR BLUE 140MM X 17MM
237 FLV-BR21222B Omron Automation and Safety BAR LIGHT BLUE 212MM X 22MM 8.7W
238 FLV-BR21222W Omron Automation and Safety BAR LGT WHITE 212MM X 22MM 8.7W
239 FLV-DR7000B Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING BLUE 70MM 5W
240 FLV-DR7000W Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING WHITE 70MM 5W
241 FLV-DR7030B Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING BLUE 70MM 5W
242 FLV-DR7030W Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING WHITE 70MM 5W
243 3Z4S-LT-MDRL-CW31 Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING LED WHITE 66MM Datasheet
244 3Z4S-LT-MSRL-CR44 Omron Automation and Safety RING LIGHT RED 123MM
245 CCS-QBL-060060-SW Omron Automation and Safety CCS BAK LITE 90X62 WHITE
246 3Z4S-LT-MEBL-CB10080 Omron Automation and Safety BACKLIGHT BLUE 132MM X 120MM Datasheet
247 3Z4S-LT-MEBL-CW10080 Omron Automation and Safety BACKLIGHT WHITE 132MM X 120MM Datasheet
248 CCS-LFL50-BL Omron Automation and Safety CCS 100MM BCK LITE EDG LIT BLU
249 FLV-EP50R Omron Automation and Safety SPOTLGHT RED 94.5X50MM 50MM 1.6W Datasheet
250 CCSA-QSQ-070070-SW Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING-SQUARE 70MM WHITE
251 CCS-LFL-100 Omron Automation and Safety BACKLIGHT- EDGE LIT (RED)
252 FL-DR50W-H Omron Automation and Safety RING WHITE HIGH BRIGHT 50MM
253 CCSFPQ248SW Omron Automation and Safety LOW ANGLE SQUARE LIGHT 48MM WH
254 FLV-FR150R Omron Automation and Safety RING DIFFUSED RED 150MM 3.5W
255 ZFV-LTL02 Omron Automation and Safety ZFV DBL BAR LGT 140MM X 165.4MM Datasheet
256 3Z4S-LT-MDRL-CW50 Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING LED WHITE 90MM Datasheet
257 FLV-EP50W Omron Automation and Safety SPOTLGHT WHT 94.5X50MM 50MM 1.1W Datasheet
258 CCS-HSL-S8SW-D300 Omron Automation and Safety LED DIRECT SPOT LITE-WHITE 24V
259 CCS-QSQ-070070-SW Omron Automation and Safety CCS RNGLITEWHT M12 24V
260 3Z4S-LT-MSCL-CR39 Omron Automation and Safety COAXIAL RED 38MM X 70MM
261 CCS-LFR-100 Omron Automation and Safety FLAT RING DIFFUSED LIGHTING
262 FLV-FR114B Omron Automation and Safety RING DIFFUSED BLUE 114MM 3.9W
263 FLV-FR114W Omron Automation and Safety RING DIFFUSED WHITE 114MM 3.9W
264 3Z4S-LT-MDRL-CR28 Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING LED RED 50MM Datasheet
265 3Z4S-LT-MBRL-CW13015 Omron Automation and Safety BAR WHITE 140MM X 17MM Datasheet
266 CCS-LKR-70A-SW Omron Automation and Safety 70MM CONICAL RING WHITE LED
267 FLV-DL9090B Omron Automation and Safety RING LOW ANGLE BLUE 90MM 2.8W
268 FLV-DL9090W Omron Automation and Safety RING LOW ANGLE WHITE 90MM 2.8W
269 CCS-LKR70A Omron Automation and Safety CCS 70MM MINI DOME LIGHT
270 CCSA-QBR-109028-SW Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT BAR LIGHT-109X128MM
271 CCS-LND-300H-DF Omron Automation and Safety 300MM OD RED LED LINELIGHT
272 FLV-DR5030IR Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING INFRARED 50MM 1.3W
273 FL-BR13120W-H Omron Automation and Safety BAR LIGHT WHITE 131.4MM X 20MM Datasheet
274 FLV-BR21230B Omron Automation and Safety BAR LGT BLUE 212MM X 30MM 8.8W
275 FLV-BR21230W Omron Automation and Safety BAR LGT WHITE 212MM X 30MM 8.8W
276 3Z4S-LT-MDRL-CR50 Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING LED RED 90MM Datasheet
277 3Z4S-LT-MLRL-CR68 Omron Automation and Safety LOW ANGLE RING LIGHT RED 100MM
278 FLV-DB10181W Omron Automation and Safety BACKLIGHT WHITE 81MMX101MM 8.1W
279 FLV-DB130130R Omron Automation and Safety BACKLIGHT RED 126MMX144MM 11.5W
280 FLV-DL12060B Omron Automation and Safety LOW ANGLE RING BLUE 120MM 12.7W
281 FLV-DL12060W Omron Automation and Safety LOW ANGLE RING WHITE 120MM 12.7W
282 CCS-LN60A Omron Automation and Safety CCA CONV.RED-LED 12VDC
283 3Z4S-LT-MSCL-CR56-B Omron Automation and Safety COAXIAL RED 60MM X 93MM
284 CCSHPD150BL Omron Automation and Safety BLUE LED DOME 150MM
285 CCSHPD150SW Omron Automation and Safety WHITE LED DOME 150MM
286 CCS-LFR-130 Omron Automation and Safety 125MM OD RED LED FLATRING LT
287 FLV-DD70R Omron Automation and Safety DOME LIGHT RED 70MM 1.4W
288 CCS-LDR2-70BL Omron Automation and Safety 70MM OD BLU LED RING LIGHT
289 CCS-LDR2-70GR Omron Automation and Safety 70MM OD GRN LED RING LIGHT
290 FLV-BR21230IR Omron Automation and Safety BAR LGT INFRARED 212 X 30MM 6.1W
291 CCS-LDR2-70SW Omron Automation and Safety 70MM OD WHITELED RING LIGHT
292 CCS-LDR-75LA-1 Omron Automation and Safety 75MM OD RED LED DARKFIELD LT
293 FLV-CL60B Omron Automation and Safety COAX LGT BLUE 104MM X 58MM 10.4W
294 FLV-CL60W Omron Automation and Safety COAX LGT WHT 104MM X 58MM 10.4W
295 FLV-DR9000B Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING BLUE 90MM 8.8W
296 FLV-DR9000W Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING WHITE 90MM 8.8W
297 FLV-DR9030B Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING BLUE 90MM 8.1W
298 FLV-DR9030W Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING WHITE 90MM 8.1W
299 FLV-DR9215B Omron Automation and Safety DIRECT RING BLUE 92MM 7.4W