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Oscilloscope WaveAce 2000x 300MHz 2GSPS USB / LAN

WAVEACE 2034 - PROMO Teledyne LeCroy Oscilloscope WaveAce 2000x 300MHz 2GSPS USB / LAN

Brand: Teledyne LeCroy Product code:WAVEACE 2034 - PROMO
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Oscilloscope, Type=WAVEACE 2034 - PROMO, Bandwidth=300 MHz, Input Impedance=1 MΩ, Rise Time=1.2 ns, Sampling Rate=2 GSPS, Time Basis Max.=50 s/div, Time Basis Min.=1 ns/div, Vertical Resolution=8 bit, Vertical Sensitivity / Div Max.=5 V/div, Vertical Sensitivity / Div Min.=2 mV/div, Display Type=LCD-TFT, Interface Type=USB LAN, Measuring Functions=Amplitude Average Base Burst Width Cyclic RMS + Duty Cycle - Duty Cycle Fall Time Frequency Max Mean Min Overshoot Peak-Peak Period Phase Preshoot Rise Time RMS Top + Width -Width, Power Supply=100 ... 240 VAC, 50 W, Trigger=Edge Pulse Width Video Slope (Rise Time) Alternate, Warranty=3 Years, Safety Category=CAT I 400 V, Series=WaveAce 2000

WAVEACE 2034 - PROMO with product code You can purchase Teledyne LeCroy branded Oscilloscope WaveAce 2000x 300MHz 2GSPS USB / LAN product from our company.